"there is power that comes to women when they give birth. they don't ask for it, it simply invades them. accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it."

-Sheryl Feldman

About E.A.S.E.

Pregnancy & motherhood is a magnificently impactful and transformative time. Having support from a coach throughout this journey can help to empower you with knowledge and tools to navigate through the rougher waves and embrace the smooth sailing.

During pregnancy, the amount of information traditionally provided is both overwhelming yet also lacking, leaving most without a roadmap or solid plan. As a coach, we act as a compass that you check in with intermittently to build confidence in the direction you are heading.

Our E.A.S.E. (Embodying an Abundant & Sacred Experience) program is a method & mindset to help support women throughout their pregnancy journey. We meet you wherever you are at in your pregnancy with packages for 3, 5 or 7 months, customized for your needs.

Included in the E.A.S.E. Program:

  • 60 minute virtual appointments 2x per month

    • 7 months of EASE: 14 total sessions

    • 5 months of EASE: 10 total sessions

    • 3 months of EASE: 6 total sessions

  • The entire Empowered Birth Prep virtual course

    • 20+ videos & handouts

    • Go at your own pace

  • VOXER communication between sessions

  • Access to Embodying Wellness YouTube

    • video library for exercises, guided meditations, “how-to’s” such as colonic massage & more!

What’s a typical coaching session look like?

The true essence of coaching means that the client is the driver, the coach like the blind spot mirror and we go on an adventure together. There is always a destination, but how everyone gets there is completely different. During this space we create together, we dive into exploring emotions & thoughts that come up during pregnancy that you may need support with. As the blind spot mirror, a coach helps you to see what’s there that you may not have seen on your own. We work together to navigate potential challenges such as our healthcare system, partner & self expectations for parenthood, fears of childbirth, and beyond.

Coaching with EASE includes perinatal education as well. Some of the health & wellness topics we discuss: exercise throughout the trimesters of pregnancy, preparing for birth, nutrition, & postpartum pelvic health recovery.

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